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  1. Social media users post content on various topics. A defining feature of social media is that other users can provide feedback—called community feedback—to their content in the form of comments, replies, and r...

    Authors: David Ifeoluwa Adelani, Ryota Kobayashi, Ingmar Weber and Przemyslaw A. Grabowicz
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:25
  2. In this paper, we combine data from Uber Movement and from a representative household travel survey to constructs a weighted travel time index for the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The index is calculated ...

    Authors: Renato S. Vieira and Eduardo A. Haddad
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:24
  3. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global consensus on the world’s most pressing challenges. They come with a set of 232 indicators against which countries should regularly monitor t...

    Authors: Masoomali Fatehkia, Isabelle Tingzon, Ardie Orden, Stephanie Sy, Vedran Sekara, Manuel Garcia-Herranz and Ingmar Weber
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:22
  4. The network of developers in distributed ledgers and blockchains open source projects is essential to maintaining the platform: understanding the structure of their exchanges, analysing their activity and its ...

    Authors: Silvia Bartolucci, Giuseppe Destefanis, Marco Ortu, Nicola Uras, Michele Marchesi and Roberto Tonelli
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:21
  5. Urban income segregation is a widespread phenomenon that challenges societies across the globe. Classical studies on segregation have largely focused on the geographic distribution of residential neighborhoods...

    Authors: Xiaowen Dong, Alfredo J. Morales, Eaman Jahani, Esteban Moro, Bruno Lepri, Burcin Bozkaya, Carlos Sarraute, Yaneer Bar-Yam and Alex Pentland
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:20
  6. The emerging technologies of wearable wireless devices open entirely new ways to record various aspects of human social interactions in a broad range of settings. Such technologies allow to log the temporal dy...

    Authors: Sicheng Dai, Hélène Bouchet, Aurélie Nardy, Eric Fleury, Jean-Pierre Chevrot and Márton Karsai
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:19
  7. The 2019 UK general election took place against a background of rising online hostility levels toward politicians, and concerns about the impact of this on democracy, as a record number of politicians cited th...

    Authors: Genevieve Gorrell, Mehmet E. Bakir, Ian Roberts, Mark A. Greenwood and Kalina Bontcheva
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:18
  8. Much recent work has illuminated the growth, innovation, and prosperity of entire cities, but there is relatively less evidence concerning the growth and prosperity of individual neighborhoods. In this paper w...

    Authors: Shi Kai Chong, Mohsen Bahrami, Hao Chen, Selim Balcisoy, Burcin Bozkaya and Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:17
  9. We propose high-order hypergraph walks as a framework to generalize graph-based network science techniques to hypergraphs. Edge incidence in hypergraphs is quantitative, yielding hypergraph walks with both len...

    Authors: Sinan G. Aksoy, Cliff Joslyn, Carlos Ortiz Marrero, Brenda Praggastis and Emilie Purvine
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:16
  10. Complex systems, represented as dynamic networks, comprise of components that influence each other via direct and/or indirect interactions. Recent research has shown the importance of using Higher-Order Networ...

    Authors: Mandana Saebi, Jian Xu, Lance M. Kaplan, Bruno Ribeiro and Nitesh V. Chawla
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:15
  11. Music can motivate many daily activities as it can regulate mood, increase productivity and sports performance, and raise spirits. However, we know little about how to recommend songs that are motivational for...

    Authors: Yongsung Kim, Luca Maria Aiello and Daniele Quercia
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:13
  12. Empirical investor networks (EIN) proposed by Ozsoylev et al. are assumed to capture the information spreading path among investors. Here, we perform a comparative analysis between the EIN and the cellphone co...

    Authors: Peng Wang, Jun-Chao Ma, Zhi-Qiang Jiang, Wei-Xing Zhou and Didier Sornette
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:11
  13. Luck is considered a crucial ingredient to achieve impact in all creative domains, despite their diversity. For instance, in science, the movie industry, music, and art, the occurrence of the highest impact wo...

    Authors: Milán Janosov, Federico Battiston and Roberta Sinatra
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:9
  14. Composite development indicators used in policy making often subjectively aggregate a restricted set of indicators. We show, using dimensionality reduction techniques, including Principal Component Analysis (P...

    Authors: Anshul Verma, Orazio Angelini and Tiziana Di Matteo
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:8
  15. Social media can be a double-edged sword for society, either as a convenient channel exchanging ideas or as an unexpected conduit circulating fake news through a large population. While existing studies of fak...

    Authors: Zilong Zhao, Jichang Zhao, Yukie Sano, Orr Levy, Hideki Takayasu, Misako Takayasu, Daqing Li, Junjie Wu and Shlomo Havlin
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:7
  16. Many times the nodes of a complex network, whether deliberately or not, are aggregated for technical, ethical, legal limitations or privacy reasons. A common example is the geographic position: one may uncover...

    Authors: Yérali Gandica, Adeline Decuyper, Christophe Cloquet, Isabelle Thomas and Jean-Charles Delvenne
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:6
  17. We introduce a qualitative, shape-based, timescale-independent time-domain transform used to extract local dynamics from sociotechnical time series—termed the Discrete Shocklet Transform (DST)—and an associate...

    Authors: David Rushing Dewhurst, Thayer Alshaabi, Dilan Kiley, Michael V. Arnold, Joshua R. Minot, Christopher M. Danforth and Peter Sheridan Dodds
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:3
  18. Recent advances in the quantitative, computational methodology for the modeling and analysis of heterogeneous large-scale data are leading to new opportunities for understanding human behaviors and faculties, ...

    Authors: Doheum Park, Juhan Nam and Juyong Park
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:2
  19. Understanding the temporal dynamics of affect is crucial for our understanding human emotions in general. In this study, we empirically test a computational model of affective dynamics by analyzing a large-sca...

    Authors: Max Pellert, Simon Schweighofer and David Garcia
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2020 9:1
  20. The gravity law has been documented in many socioeconomic networks, which states that the flow between two nodes positively correlates with the strengths of the nodes and negatively correlates with the distanc...

    Authors: Li Wang, Jun-Chao Ma, Zhi-Qiang Jiang, Wanfeng Yan and Wei-Xing Zhou
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:37
  21. The steady growth of digitized historical information is continuously stimulating new different approaches to the fields of Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science. In this work we use Natural Lang...

    Authors: Lorenzo Lucchini, Sara Tonelli and Bruno Lepri
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:36
  22. Echo chambers in online social networks, in which users prefer to interact only with ideologically-aligned peers, are believed to facilitate misinformation spreading and contribute to radicalize political disc...

    Authors: Wesley Cota, Silvio C. Ferreira, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras and Michele Starnini
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:35
  23. This paper examines the population heterogeneity of travel behaviours from a combined perspective of individual actors and collective behaviours. We use a social media dataset of 652,945 geotagged tweets gener...

    Authors: Yuan Liao, Sonia Yeh and Gustavo S. Jeuken
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:34
  24. Scientific discoveries do not occur in vacuum but rather by connecting existing pieces of knowledge in new and creative ways. Mapping the relation and structure of scientific knowledge is therefore central to ...

    Authors: Matteo Chinazzi, Bruno Gonçalves, Qian Zhang and Alessandro Vespignani
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:33
  25. Systemic risk of financial institutions and sectoral companies relies on their inter-dependencies. The inter-connectivity of the financial networks has proven to be crucial to understand the propagation of def...

    Authors: Adrià Barja, Alejandro Martínez, Alex Arenas, Pablo Fleurquin, Jordi Nin, José J. Ramasco and Elena Tomás
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:32
  26. Reading remains a preferred leisure activity fueling an exceptionally competitive publishing market: among more than three million books published each year, only a tiny fraction are read widely. It is largely...

    Authors: Xindi Wang, Burcu Yucesoy, Onur Varol, Tina Eliassi-Rad and Albert-László Barabási
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:31
  27. Mobile phone data are a popular source of positioning information in many recent studies that have largely improved our understanding of human mobility. These data consist of time-stamped and geo-referenced co...

    Authors: Guangshuo Chen, Aline Carneiro Viana, Marco Fiore and Carlos Sarraute
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:30
  28. Prediction of traffic congestion is one of the core issues in the realization of smart traffic. Accurate prediction depends on understanding of interactions and correlations between different city locations. W...

    Authors: Shengmin Guo, Dong Zhou, Jingfang Fan, Qingfeng Tong, Tongyu Zhu, Weifeng Lv, Daqing Li and Shlomo Havlin
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:28
  29. Human mobility across national borders is a key phenomenon of our time. At the global scale, however, we still know relatively little about the structure and nature of such transnational movements. This study ...

    Authors: Lorenzo Gabrielli, Emanuel Deutschmann, Fabrizio Natale, Ettore Recchi and Michele Vespe
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:26
  30. Women are severely marginalized in software development, especially in open source. In this article we argue that disadvantage is more due to gendered behavior than to categorical discrimination: women are at ...

    Authors: Balazs Vedres and Orsolya Vasarhelyi
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:25

    The Correction to this article has been published in EPJ Data Science 2019 8:29

  31. Aggregate and systemic risk in complex systems are emergent phenomena depending on two properties: the idiosyncratic risk of the elements and the topology of the network of interactions among them. While a sig...

    Authors: Elisa Letizia and Fabrizio Lillo
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:21
  32. The growing importance of citation-based bibliometric indicators in shaping the prospects of academic careers incentivizes scientists to boost the numbers of citations they receive. Whereas the exploitation of...

    Authors: Weihua Li, Tomaso Aste, Fabio Caccioli and Giacomo Livan
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:20
  33. Due to the rise of communication technologies and economic globalization, modern large cities are becoming more and more interconnected and this phenomenon leads to an increasing synchronization in activities ...

    Authors: Lorenzo Candeago, Giulia Bertagnolli, Paolo Bosetti, Michele Vescovi, Francesco Sacco and Bruno Lepri
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:19
  34. The recent rise of the political extremism in Western countries has spurred renewed interest in the psychological and moral appeal of political extremism. Empirical support for the psychological explanation us...

    Authors: Meysam Alizadeh, Ingmar Weber, Claudio Cioffi-Revilla, Santo Fortunato and Michael Macy
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:17
  35. The power of the press to shape the informational landscape of a population is unparalleled, even now in the era of democratic access to all information outlets. However, it is known that news outlets (particu...

    Authors: Erick Elejalde, Leo Ferres and Rossano Schifanella
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2019 8:16

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