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Figure 1 | EPJ Data Science

Figure 1

From: Large-scale digital signatures of emotional response to the COVID-19 vaccination campaign

Figure 1

Emotion Mean Value. For each sample (baseline (left panel) and vaccine (right panel)), we quantified the mean value of each emotion: Anger, Sadness, Surprise, Fear, Anticipation, Trust, Disgust, Joy. The horizontal line is placed at the 0.125 value to better visualize which emotions are over- vs under-represented with respect to our benchmark value. The grey vertical lines show the standard deviation of each distribution. To better understand the statistically significance of each emotions, we performed a Kolmogrov-Smirnov Test with the result that all the distribution are statistically different at the 95% of confidence level with a p-value lower than 0.01 both across emotions and among the baseline and vaccine samples. In addition, we calculated the standard error of the mean, resulting to be negligible among all the emotion distribution

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