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Figure 1 | EPJ Data Science

Figure 1

From: Cryptocurrency co-investment network: token returns reflect investment patterns

Figure 1

Cryptocurrencies co-investment network. (A) The Crunchbase dataset can be mapped into a bipartite network where investors are connected to cryptocurrency projects they have invested in at least once. We use an approach similar to Lucchini et al., 2020 [24] (B) Projection of the bipartite investors-cryptocurrencies network, where two cryptocurrencies are linked if they have at least a common investor. (C) Real co-investment network of 624 cryptocurrency projects with at least one connection. Node size is proportional to the number of connections, and link width is proportional to the number of common investors between two cryptocurrencies (note that link weights have been discarded in our analysis, where the co-investment network is unweighted). Colours represent different groups of cryptocurrencies clustered according to their tags’ similarity on Coinmarketcap (see Sect. 3.2). We also report the name of the top nodes by degree in five representative clusters (DODO, LUNA, NEAR, ZRX, DOT)

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