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Figure 3 | EPJ Data Science

Figure 3

From: Untangling pair synergy in the evolution of collaborative scientific impact

Figure 3

Quantification of pair synergy. (A) The coefficient of determination \(R^{2}\) between \(Q^{\mathrm{{measure}}}\) and \(Q^{\mathrm{{expect}}}\) as a function of the generalized mean parameter β. The dashed lines represent \(R^{2}\) with varying β values, while the circles with vertical lines represent the optimal β values for each discipline. \(R^{2}\) does not fluctuate abruptly, indicating the robustness of the analysis for the selection of β (for more detailed information, see section S3.3 in the SI). (B) The normalized distributions of \(S/\epsilon _{S}\) for each discipline. The dotted line represents the standard normal distribution, and the inset shows the distributions of S. (C) Classification of pair synergy. The error bars correspond to 95% confidence intervals calculated from the Q-model. As an illustrative example, the synergy between Geim and Novoselov is strongly positive

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