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Figure 5 | EPJ Data Science

Figure 5

From: The structure of segregation in co-authorship networks and its impact on scientific production

Figure 5

Citation metrics for researchers in communities of different segregation categories and core positions. Each row represents the cumulative density function (CDF) for the total citations TC, the citations per paper (CP), the proportion of citations from the same community (CC), and the proportion of citations from the same year’s co-authors (CN). The code of colours is: light red for highly segregated (S) and blue for non-segregated communities (NS). Letters KS or MW appear when there are significant p-values for Kolmogorov-Smirnov (different distribution shapes) and Mann-Whitney (different distribution medians) for the CDFs of non-segregated and highly segregated communities. Significance levels are denoted as follows: * < 0.1, ** < 0.05, and *** < 0.01. Here, we show 7 out of 11 cores to guide the reader, but Figure S15 shows results for the 11 cores of 2010

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