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Figure 10 | EPJ Data Science

Figure 10

From: Allotaxonometry and rank-turbulence divergence: a universal instrument for comparing complex systems

Figure 10

Exploration of the effect of subsampling data for allotaxonometric analyses. The rows correspond to the four case studies of Twitter, trees, baby names, and market caps (see Figs. 2–8). Each row shows abstracted rank-rank histograms for size-rank distribution truncations to the top N types, along with rank-turbulence divergence scores for the indicated values of α. For corresponding, complete allotaxonometric analyses, see Flipbooks S10—S14. All sequences follow steps of half an order of magnitude in the truncation number N. As N increases, the Twitter and tree species histograms are revealed in a clean fashion, while baby names and market caps begin with a disjoint system ‘vee’ that masks their large N forms. The paths of convergence towards the divergence score vary and may be uneven if usually monotonic, depending on the systems being compared and the choice of α. Rows extend to above the maximum system size for each comparison, and all colormaps and limits correspond to those used for the four case studies

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