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Table 4 Synthesis of MVMC-based mapping of Chinese state-sponsored account clusters

From: Mapping state-sponsored information operations with multi-view modularity clustering

Strategic Theme

Narrative and Network Information Maneuvers

Time 1

Time 2

Hong Kong and Anti-Protest

- Dismay: Negatively frame protestors as violent and chaotic mobs

- Build and Enhance: Expand group consensus around positive views of nation and police as sources of order

- Boost and Distract: Masquerade as organic k-pop or health community

- Dismay: Negatively frame protestors and demand punishment

- Enhance: Positively ask for peace to quell electoral chaos

- Boost and Distract: Masquerade as organic community of Western music

Guo Wengui and Anti-Fugitive

- Boost and Dismay: Amplify organized community denouncing Guo as a liar and unreliable right-wing conspiracist

- Dismay: Denounce Guo as con man and self-interested fugitive

Pandemic Care and Community

(not yet present)

- Boost and Enhance: Amplify organized community of national strength and solidarity in time of crisis for China and Hong Kong