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Table 6 Comparison of results between the eight analyzed U.S. cities and London, UK

From: Analyzing and predicting the spatial penetration of Airbnb in U.S. cities

  1. Each cell under the column ‘Eight U.S. cities’ indicates the number of standardized β coefficients that are statistically significant and higher than 0.15 in absolute terms; such number is positive if there are more instances (i.e., cities) within that model set with the variable having a (significantly) positive coefficient, and negative otherwise. Each cell under the column ‘London’ indicates whether the corresponding correlation was significant positive (+), or significant negative (−), or rather not significantly correlated (0). The variables ‘popDens’, ‘income_div’, ‘talent’ and ‘poverty’ are not reported since the same parameters were not considered in the study proposed by Quattrone et al. [13].