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Table 9 A numerical example of SMOTE augmentation

From: Leveraging augmentation techniques for tasks with unbalancedness within the financial domain: a two-level ensemble approach

Consider a sample (10,14) and let (8,11) be its nearest neighbour.

(10,14) is the sample for which k-nearest neighbours are being identified.

(8,11) is one of its k-nearest neighbours.

Let us consider:

\(x_{1,1} = 10\), \(x_{1,2} = 14 \), \(x_{1,2} - x_{1,1} = 4\)

\(x_{2,1} = 8\), \(x_{2,2} = 11 \), \(x_{2,2} - x_{2,1} = 3\)

The new samples are generated as

\((x_{1}^{\prime },x_{2}^{\prime }) = (10,14) + \mathrm{rand}(0,1) * (4,3)\)

rand(0,1) generates a random number between 0 and 1.